Welcome to Ready Motorsports®

Thanks for visiting us, and welcome to RMC News!

My name is Michael (Mike) LaRocca, and I’m the founder of Ready Motorsports® Corporation (“RMC”).  In creating RMC, my hope is to attract fellow motorsports enthusiasts like yourself, and provide a forum for us to talk cars, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, and just about anything else out there that pertains to motorsports. And, of course, where we can, get together and use our vehicles at shows, races, filming, and other events.

Since my earliest days on this planet, I’ve always been very passionate about cars.  I’ve always wanted to be on the forefront of automotive innovation, yet I’ve never had a chance to really immerse myself in it.  I’ve reached a point in my life where that’s starting to change.  I’m fortunate enough to own some great cars (a motorcycle too), and I’m able to share my interest with some really excellent friends, colleagues, and customers.  And, I’ve managed to brainwash my kids (well, a couple of them at least) into loving cars and motorcycles just like I do.  We regularly participate in various car shows, car meets, car races, and other events around the world, and have so many cool experiences to share.  That’s what this news section is all about!  We can tell you all about those experiences, and get to know about your experiences as well.

Please know, no part of me pretends to be an automotive expert, nor do I claim to be anything other than an above-average driver (although I’m working on that!).  I’m just a guy that loves cars, loves to drive ’em hard, and loves to share my experience with others.

It’s really great to have you here, and I’m so glad you stopped by.  I thank you in advance for reading and contributing to RMC News, and look forward to getting to know some of you and your wheeled companions.

Your friends in automotive adventure,

-Mike, and the RMC team


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