Revealing the C8 Corvette

Anticipation for the Mid-Engine Super Car

Since 1953, the Corvette has been at the center of American automotive innovation. Once America’s sports car, it will soon become America’s super car. Its relevance to the industry is enormous, and it certainly has the world’s attention. After all of these years and rumors of a mid-engine design, it’s finally here.

60+ Years in the Making

There have been nine mid-engine Corvette prototypes produced over the years that we’re aware of, beginning with the 1964 CERV II and ending with the 1990 CERV III. In the 2000s, it seemed momentum was building in favor of producing a mid-engine Corvette for the masses, but the brakes were slammed on the idea once the financial crisis of 2008 hit. With a couple of false starts here and there, the fact that the dream is becoming reality is a testament to the fortitude and never-say-die attitude of GM’s executive team, coupled with Tadge Juechter’s brilliance and ingenuity.

Is there any surprise that this reborn momentum has caused fans around the world to jump with excitement? Of course not! The C8’s reveal event is right around the corner, just over two weeks away at the time of this writing. In case you need a reminder of how much time remains, Chevrolet has made it easy to check. We probably check this site five times a day, you know, just to relish in knowing that the big day is coming.

Once-in-a-Lifetime Event

Reading other blogs and message boards, not all posters recognize the event for what it is. Sure, one can watch the online stream, or wait for C8 Corvettes to appear on showroom floors. But, other than the Reveal event, when else could a true fan experience Corvette history first hand, feel the energy in the room, meet the Corvette engineering team, and share the experience live with other fanatics? That’s a pretty special thing to be part of, and we’re enormously excited to say that we’ll be there. That’s right! We’re so fortunate — and grateful to General Motors — for the opportunity to share in this monumental event. We couldn’t be more excited to get out there and welcome the new king.

The Evening’s Schedule

The Next Generation Corvette Reveal will be held from 4pm to 9pm, Pacific US time:

  • 4pm: Corvette Owners Celebration
  • 7pm: Doors Open, Event Registration
  • 8pm: Next Generation Corvette Reveal

How amazing is it that the evening’s event starts with the Corvette Owners Celebration? Basically, Chevrolet is hosting a Corvette show around the venue’s entrance where special Corvette owners, among the rare few to get a complimentary ticket to the extravaganza, can show off their own vehicles. How lucky those Corvette owners are, etching their mark on the Corvette timeline and pointing to the new age, an age where the horses come from just behind the driver.

The doors then open, the anticipation builds further, and the C8 is introduced to the world.

Relevance and Reverence

Creating the mid-engine Corvette was necessary. Why? Well, the architecture is proven, but perhaps more importantly the new design ensures that the next-generation Corvette appeals to next-generation drivers. Keeping the Corvette at the forefront of the minds of American consumers is a must, and the up-and-coming drivers demand continuous innovation and barrier-breaking performance.

As lifelong fans of the Corvette (and other GM products for that matter), we know the C8 is a major paradigm shift, and it might take a bit for the old-timers to get on board with the idea. We must remember that while it’s great to have a past, it’s even better to have a future. The C8 marks the beginning of a new era, and one that’s sure to put a smile on the faces of generations to come.


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